Friday, June 29, 2007

"Customers" Beware

I have been struggling with the State Department for the last week, trying to get them to expedite my passport. I have been told to hurry up and wait.

I have been told that an e-mail will be sent. I have been told that, at best, some people get lucky. I have been told that, despite having applied more than 15 weeks ago and still needing my passport to apply for a visa, that it is my choice to apply for an appointment at the local passport processing center and pay all my fees again so that I will have a paltry 13 days to apply for my visa.

What's worse, I've been told all of this by State Department "Customer Service Representatives." I want to make something very clear right now:

I am not a "customer" of the State Department. Far from it, I am a tax-paying citizen of the United States of America.

Customers have choices about where their money goes. That's why customers get good service from businesses. There is only one agency from which to get a United States passport. It feels no obligation to be quick or even competent becuase it will not lose a single tax dollar if it fails to accomplish its stated goal.

Customers know that they will be assisted because the wellfare of a business relies upon earning money through good service. The State Department will likely be requesting increased funding as a result of its failure, and tax-payers will likely agree to provide it.

Customers may request refunds if they receive products or services that are not up to par. I'm going to pay for this twice, and that's before taxes are increased to try (and fail) to fix this problem.

I am not a customer - I am a citizen held hostage by tax dollars and incompetence.